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  • Published On: February 8, 2024

    The Illinois 20 Under 40 Awards celebrate the achievements of young farmers and recognizes their potential. Agriculture leaders, exceptional community members, role models; we’re looking for the young farmers who are leading the field. Know one? Help us award deserving farmers by nominating a neighbor, friend, colleague, or even yourself, by Thursday, March 21.

  • Published On: February 5, 2024

    BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – FEBRUARY 5, 2024 – The Illinois Soybean Board (ISB) is looking for farmers interested in filling one of Illinois’ director positions with the […]

  • Published On: February 5, 2024

    Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) teams up with Illinois Central College and area agribusinesses to provide insights into career opportunities in ag BLOOMINGTON, ILL., Jan. 31, […]

  • Published On: February 5, 2024

    BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – February 5, 2024 – The pioneering B20 Club of Illinois celebrates its tenth year in 2024 with a new milestone in adoption […]

  • Published On: February 2, 2024

    The 2024 Soybean Summit is currently underway at the I Hotel in Champaign, Ill. Right now, in-person attendees are finishing up lunch and will soon begin their afternoon of breakout sessions, which will cover topics from conservation finance and the chemical supply chain, to insights on red crown rot and cover crops. Don’t miss out - join the live stream now!

  • Published On: January 25, 2024

    For the second year, IL Corn and ISA partnered to offer the Water Testing Challenge to all Illinois FFA chapters. This hands-on, educational program challenged students to sample and analyze water from different areas. They were then tasked with incorporating this data into a report, along with improved suggestions and management changes. Congratulations to the winners which include students from the Fairfield, Home Fires, Blue Ridge, Kewanee, and Mater Dei Catholic FFA chapters.