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  • Published On: March 7, 2024

    The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) is now accepting project proposals for FY25 that strategically align with the organization’s key priority areas: market development, soybean production and communications. Proposals will be assessed on providing a return on ISA’s mission to uphold the interests of Illinois soybean producers and will be evaluated on their effectiveness in addressing the needs of Illinois farmers.

  • Published On: March 4, 2024

    CHAMPAIGN, ILL. – MARCH 1, 2024 – Thirteen enterprising graduate students researching soybean topics at universities across Illinois exhibited their innovative projects during the Illinois […]

  • Published On: February 29, 2024

    On February 1, the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) hosted its annual Soybean Summit at the I Hotel in Champaign, Ill. If you weren't able to attend or need a refresher on the initiatives taken on by ISA’s Soybean Production Committee, check out the replay on ISA’s YouTube channel!

  • Published On: February 22, 2024

    The IL Corn Growers Association, Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Farm Bureau and American Farmland Trust are seeking expanded state investment into a popular program designed to promote cover crop adoption throughout the state. The Fall Covers for Spring Savings Program provides a $5 per acre crop insurance premium discount for farmers who plant non-cash crops in the fall to promote soil health and keep nutrients in the field.

  • Published On: February 15, 2024

    Five Illinois farm families were featured in a commercial during this year’s Super Bowl, emphasizing the fact that 96% of farms in Illinois are owned and operated by families. Although the commercial marks the end of the year-long “We are the 96” campaign, it aims to leave a lasting impact on consumers across the state. If you didn't catch it during the game, you can watch the commercial on Illinois Farm Families’ YouTube channel.

  • Published On: February 14, 2024

    SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – FEBRUARY 14, 2024 – The IL Corn Growers Association, Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Farm Bureau and American Farmland Trust are seeking expanded […]