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On June 8, the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Market Development team hosted buyers from the Americas region on their first trade team visit. The 24
Bloomington, Ill. – June 14, 2023 –The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Agronomy Team is coming to a field near you to present “ISA Field Days,”
This week, ISA's Government Relations and Agronomy teams traveled to the Tri-Town YMCA to talk with kids about cover crops, soil health, soy products, and careers in agriculture. The ISA team was joined by members from the DuPage County Farm Bureau, along with local legislators who were introduced to new perspectives on the soybean and agriculture industry.
Bloomington, Ill. – June 13, 2023 – After undergoing a rigorous judging process, 20 farmers were identified as the second class of Illinois 20 Under
Bloomington, Ill. – June 6, 2023 – Three finalists have been selected for the inaugural Illinois Leopold Conservation Award®. Given in honor of renowned conservationist
Let Congress hear from you! The House Ag Committee opened a portal for members to submit their 2023 Farm Bill priorities. The Illinois Soybean Growers encourage you to visit their Soy Action Center and share farm bill priorities impacting your farm.