• Illinois Soybean Association Press Release

    December 5, 2023

    Award recognizes their commitment to the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA), as well as their demonstrated impact in the agricultural industry and their community BLOOMINGTON, ILL.,

  • Illinois Soybean Association Press Release

    December 5, 2023

    ISA’s highest honor recognizes Easter’s dedication, leadership and years of service to the soybean industry BLOOMINGTON, ILL., (November 29, 2023) – Dr. Robert (Bob) Easter,

  • Illinois Soybean Association Press Release

    December 5, 2023

    Award recognizes member of the media who promotes Illinois soybeans through their coverage BLOOMINGTON, ILL., (November 29, 2023) – Holly Spangler, Senior Editor of Prairie

  • Fast 5 Illinois soybean association

    November 30, 2023

    On November 28, ISA hosted its second annual Impact Awards Banquet and Ceremony to recognize several deserving farmers, legislators, media, and friends of agriculture for their dedication to the soybean industry. At the event, ISA welcomed Jacqueline Applegate, President of Bayer Crop Science North America, as the keynote speaker and celebrated the recipients of the 2023 Achievement Awards, which included Bob Easter, Holly Spangler, the Clavin Family, Gary Schnitkey, and Representative Mike Bost. Additionally, ISA acknowledged the 2023 Illinois 20 Under 40 Farmers, recipients of the ILSoyAdvisor CCA Awards, retiring Board Directors, and commended ISA's outgoing Chairman, Steve Pitstick, for his exceptional service to the ISA Board and Illinois soybean farmers.

  • Illinois Soybean Association Press Release

    November 29, 2023

    Awards were presented on November 28 at the ISA Impact Awards Banquet BLOOMINGTON, ILL., (November 29, 2023) – The Illinois agriculture industry would not be

  • Fast 5 Illinois soybean association

    November 16, 2023

    During a classic Thanksgiving meal, you'll find a spread that includes turkey, stuffing, ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, dishes like green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream, and much more. Although soy isn't the primary focus here, it does hold significance. Do you know where soy makes an appearance? Its presence extends beyond just the plant-based tofurkey protein or the occasional edamame starter.