Background: KYTC’s Bridge Bundling program, Bridging Kentucky, was started in early 2018 as an initiative of then Governor Matthew Bevin to address bridges, and especially smaller bridges that had posted weight restrictions, were not complex in nature, and did not cross water or railway lines. KYTC is responsible for inspecting Kentucky’s 14,000 bridges, but if a bridge is county-owned then the county is responsible for rehabilitation and replacement. This initiative from the State was to address many of these county and state owned bridges that were in poor condition. The goal was to rehabilitate or replace 1,000 bridges within a six-year period, with an approximate budget of $700 million. KYTC started the program by creating a list of 1,100 bridges whose condition was deemed “poor” as per the FHWA. The legislature came up with a list of 340 bridges from the initial 1,100 for the first biennium of the program.
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) Bridge Bundling Experience
Approach/Why it succeeded:
- Bridges bundled identified all over the state (representing many geographies & jurisdictions)
- Some bundles were as small as 2 to 3 bridges
- Didn’t want to squeeze out the smaller contractors
- Similar to how we’d bundle paving projects, only difference is bridges are more expensive than paving road
- If you are federally funded, you are eligible for 85% FHWA match, instead of 80%