Illinois Soybean Growers Statement on Illinois Department of Agriculture’s Dicamba Response
BLOOMINGTON, ILL – June 9, 2020 – The Illinois Soybean Growers today issued the following statement in response to the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s June 9 statement regarding EPA’s cancellation of the affected dicamba products and the use of existing stocks. ISG Chairman Doug Schroeder, who farms near Mahomet, stated:
“The Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) appreciates the guidance and ruling from the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) tonight regarding the U.S. EPA’s Cancellation Order on three dicamba products. This recent development allows farmers across the state to have flexibility as they continue to raise the 2020 crop that they have already planted and planned to use many weed management tools. ISG recognizes the new June 25 cutoff and encourages continued on-target application of dicamba based on existing requirements.
“With the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s announcement, Illinois farmers now have the guidance that they need for using Xtendimax, FeXapan and Engenia following the 9th Circuit’s decision last week. Since that time, ISG has been working on behalf of our farmers at the state and national levels to secure options that Illinois producers can use to manage this year’s crop.
We encourage producers to check out resources from the Illinois Department of Agriculture for additional information.”
Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) is a membership organization serving more than 43,000 Illinois soybean growers. ISG provides advocacy in Springfield and Washington, D.C., to promote the interests of Illinois soybean farmers and programs that enhance soybean production and demand. Voice for Soy, the online action center supported by ISG, allows growers to easily connect with legislators and regulators to advocate for Illinois agriculture. For more information about ISG, visit the website
For more information, contact:
Rachel Peabody
Communications Manager