BLOOMINGTON, ILL – October 11, 2021 – The Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) Government Relations Committee recently met to set policy and legislative priorities for the FY22 fiscal year. Among many issues, the most pressing and largely discussed included biodiesel, farm policy, carbon sequestration, infrastructure, rural broadband, and trade and exports.

“The committee unanimously agrees that we must act as one voice in agriculture,” says Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Board Chairman, Steve Pitstick. “It’s time to tell our story, promote policies that will most directly impact Illinois farmers, and be proactive with our policy agenda in an effort to educate and inform legislators. We want leadership in Springfield and Washington D.C. to know we stand ready to work with them around these issues.”

The Government Relations Committee advocates for Illinois soybean farmers, providing them platforms to be heard firsthand. ISG constantly monitors issues, opportunities and threats, providing farmers with information and resources.

“There is a new sense of healthy urgency when it comes to this committee and our policy work,” says ISA Senior Director of Government Affairs, Mike Levin. “We work every day to promote Illinois soy and the issues confronting our farmers. We aren’t just looking to increase product demand, we are looking to increase awareness, appreciation, and opportunity for the men and women who are powering Illinois agriculture forward.”

Adds Government Relations Committee Chair, Brad Daughtery, “These are days to be proactive. It is vitally important that we continue to foster relationships with state and federal legislators from every corner of Illinois. This committee is ready to get to work, bringing Illinois farmers to the forefront of legislative conversations.”

Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) is a membership organization serving more than 43,000 Illinois soybean growers. ISG provides advocacy in Springfield and Washington, D.C., to promote the interests of Illinois soybean farmers and programs that enhance soybean production and demand. Voice for Soy, the online action center supported by ISG, allows growers to easily connect with legislators and regulators to advocate for Illinois agriculture. For more information about ISG, visit the website

Published On: October 11, 2021Categories: Latest News, Press ReleasesTags:

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