Market Development

Bridge Bundling
Bundle up your bridges today! Because at the Illinois Soybean Association, we understand that growing a superior product isn’t enough. We must also deliver it to the world efficiently, safely, and reliably.
Did you know…
- Issuing a single contract for the replacement, rehabilitation, or repair of two or more bridges in your county can significantly reduce project costs and maximize resources.
- You can work with other counties AND the contractor of your choosing.
You can save over 30% in repair costs by bridge bundling.
Why does ISA care about Bridge Bundling?
Illinois Farmers have long benefited from our robust transportation network.
One of the foundations of this network includes rural bridges which allow farmers access from the field to their destination point for delivery.
This exclusive network of highways, railways, and waterways does not exist anywhere else in the world and allows Illinois products a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
As state and federal funds become available as part of the Federal Infrastructure Bill, ISA continues to bring awareness to bundling projects and using economies of scale by issuing a single contract for the replacement, rehabilitation, or repair of multiple bridges to REDUCE COSTS!
For more information on how you can bundle your county or township’s bridges today, contact ISA Director of Market Development, Todd Main, at
Check out the new interactive bridge bundling dashboard to see bridges in your area!