Press Releases

Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Praises Biodiesel Implementation

2025-03-26T00:31:33+00:00April 1, 2024|Latest News, Press Releases|

April 1, 2024 - Bloomington, Ill., – Implementation of a bipartisan bill to encourage the use of higher blends of biodiesel takes effect on Monday, April 1. Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Chairman Ron Kindred and other supporters call the new law a landmark statute that will benefit all Illinoisians as well as the state’s environment.

Grad Students Compete in Soybean Research at ISA Soybean Summit

2025-03-26T00:33:13+00:00March 4, 2024|Latest News, Press Releases|

CHAMPAIGN, ILL. - MARCH 1, 2024 – Thirteen enterprising graduate students researching soybean topics at universities across Illinois exhibited their innovative projects during the Illinois Soybean Association’s recent Soybean Summit. As part of the ISA’s second annual Student Research Poster Competition, the students highlighted their agronomic findings to an audience of farmers and other agricultural professionals.

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