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Weekly Update: 01.26.23

2024-07-23T22:13:33+00:00January 26, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

Illinois soybeans travel from the fields of the state’s 43,000 farmers to destinations and uses all over the world. The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) has developed a new resource to tell the story of how they get there, an Interactive Trade and Export Journey Map that showcases Illinois soybeans’ global journey in a visual and educational way.

Weekly Update: 01.19.23

2024-07-23T22:14:06+00:00January 19, 2023|FAST 5 Weekly Updates, Latest News|

ISA is proud to announce that Illinois once again produced the most soybeans in the U.S. for the 2022 growing season. The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates Illinois soybean farmers raised 677.25 million bushels on 10.75 million harvested acres.

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