- Optimizing Soybean Yield and Minimizing Herbicide Resistance Starts with Advanced Weed Control Systems
- Farmer Roundtable with Audience Q&A Participation
- Producing High-Yield Soybeans – Grower Successes
- Managing Tough Cornstalk Resiude for Increased Soybean Yields
- Applying High-Yield Research and Management in a Low-Margin Year
- The Search for Profits in 2016
- 2016 Crop Weather Outlook
- Positioning for Success in Economic Reset
- Harnessing Better Management Practices to Maximize Soybean Yield
- New Technology Options to Improve Yield and Profitability in 2016
- Soybean Outlook: Conflicting Signals
- Soybean Weed Management for 2016
- SDS: The Challenges and Solutions
- Besides Good Weather, What Does it Take to Maximize Soybean Yields
- Strategies to Manage Double-Crop Challenges
- What On-Farm Research Has Taught Us About Producing High-Yield Soybeans
- Become a Master Soybean Producer: Developing the Habits of a High-Yield Soybean Grower
- Making Phosphorous Management Work for You
- Crop Returns and Risk Management with Lower Prices